機甲神兵 Robo Army 密碼
無限能量 (Infinite Health Bar) 00D20002
無限生命及精力 (Unlimited Lives and Energy) 00D2090A (P1)
01D2090A (P2)
無限炸彈 (Unlimited Bombs) 00D40600 (P1)
00D40600 (P2)
無限接關 (Unlimited Credits For Both Players) 60E60909
Stage Select
(X:0->?. The code is correct but the results are a bit buggy. Especially level 3 is unplayable (along with all the stages that have vertical scrolling, if there are any others) if you go there with this code. As for the other stages the problems are much less. When you go to the stage that you want then you'll see immediately the first stage BUT if you walk half a screen the new stage will begin)