聖十字劍 Crossed Swords 密碼
無限炸彈 (Infinite Bombs) 405CFF00 (P1)
40DCFF00 (P2)
無敵 (Infinite Health) 405AFFFF (P1)
Invisibility code
(X:1 you get hit but you don't lose energy. 2 you can't be hit)
40500X00 (P1)
40D00X00 (P2)
Power meter code
(XY:FF is always full. 80 is always half full. 00 is always empty)
4052XY00 (P1)
40D2XY00 (P2)
Experience level
40620X00 (P1)
40E20X00 (P2)
Money code
(XYMN: means 4096*X + 256*Y + 16*M + 1*N = your money)
4066XYMN (P1)
40E6XYMN (P2)
Weapon\Shield code
(X:weapon 0~B) (Y:shield 0~3)
40680X0Y (P1)
40E80X0Y (P2)
Kill enemies with just one hit
(With this code you kill enemies and bosses with the first hit. Even they block it!)
40320100 (P1)
40B20100 (P2)
See sword and shield but not body 4000000 (P1)
4080000 (P2)
Hero's color
4020XY00 (P1)
40A0XY00 (P2)
Hero's size
(XYMN:FFFF is maximum/normal size)
4026XYMN (P1)
40A6XYMN (P2)
Can't block code 40560300 (P1)
40D60300 (P2)
Number over the total experience number code
(XYMN: means 4096*X + 256*Y + 16*M + 1*N = the number)
4064XYMN (P1)
40E4XYMN (P2)
See body but not sword or shield code 40280101 (P1)
40A80101 (P2)
Change priorities between enemies and you code 4028E000 (P1)
40A8E000 (P2)